Admit it, you've probably spent a lot of time thinking about your chest. How can you not, they are right there in front of you and there's no way getting around them! You've probably wondered at how to keep them nice and perky and strong but alas! Gravity is no respector of "breastises". Apparently, cancer may not be either!
Fact- Breast cancer risk increases with age and every woman is at risk
Fact- Men can get breast cancer though it is rare
Fact- More women of African decent have lower survival rate from breast cancer so sister, get acquainted with your sisters(boobies)!
Quite recently, I was watching the news and there was a story about a research going on in Ghana on breast Cancer. Apparently, sometimes the gene or markers for breast cancer do not show up in mammograms especially in African American women and it was found that a section of the population (younger women, pre-menopausal) are more likely to be affected, This form is very aggressive and difficult to treat. It is known as Triple Negative Breast Cancer and is more likely to affect women with African Ancestry! Yikes! You can get the rest of the story here .
So go ahead, Feel Those Boobies purposefully once a month while in the shower! If you don't know how they feel how can you tell if something is not right!
lol...boobies, boobies, boobies.I always feel my boobies, very often...
Another thoughtful post. October is breast cancer month. Everyone should take care of their "breasties", LOL
Funny I feel my boobies once a while but have no idea what the real deal is. I pray it will never have the whole lump infection in it. I pray for God to heal the women diagnosed with cancer. I love this article, keep spreading the word, health is life.
Trust me all this "tata" feeling is scary...a cyst, a lump...hmmm...God help us...
@YNC- You have to feel for lumps that are firm and kind of fixed and painful, make sure you have no indents or dimpling in the nipple area, no discharge from the nipple, no pain or lumps spreading to the atmpits either. So don't just feel, examine them in the mirror to see how they look too :)
@ Fola- It is scary but remember early detection can save lives!
Great post! I'm still not sure I know how to check properly so I should really get on that. Thanks for the reminder.
@Sankofa- Check the response I gave to YNC. That could be a step in the right direction :)
aww, that made me laugh...the gravity is no respector of breasties bit. Hmm...yeah, i need to check more often.
@Esi- You paa, I thought you'd be getting at the girls more often! You were the first person I know who kept a log of their cycle!...Very crucial!
hmmnn! it makes a whole lot of sense, coincidently i just shared something related to this on my site too.
early detection can make a whole lot of difference.
@Femme Lounge- Very True! I'm off to check your site out!
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