One more week to the long commute
My heart skips a beat when I think about it
Is it excitement or anxiety
I know not what feeling it is
All I can do is be THANKFUL!
Will I see deer in my backyard like I do now
Will I be able to gaze at the wild turkey from my window
How about the beautiful stray cats with mischievous eyes
What of the beautiful birds with colorful feathers?
Will I find comfort in a different view?
All I can do is be THANKFUL!
Are you moving states? I think excitement is good. It keeps us young lol!
I thought you moved already, hope you loving the new job.
@Sankofa- Yep I am! After 7+ years of being in one state. So kind of bittersweet :s
@Andrea- I have exactly one week till moving day.
All the best with the new move. Take care and enjoy your last week where you are.
Happy new month Maxine, love this post. Thankful with you, we shall always be thankful at all times.
Hope work is going great, my greetings to your hubby.
I wish you all the best...even better days ahead. Your positive post made me smile (been having a depressive week). I am thankful!
@NYA- Awww don't be depressed. Start acting happy and very soon you might trick your mind into believing it too :)
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