Why do they say they "fell" in Love?
In my experience a fall comes with pain and hurt
So would falling in love give you a positive outcome?
What would happen if you were to rise in love?
If we were smart we will "grow" in love , I think
Growing comes with hopes of better days and renewal
So growth in love is my fervent prayer
That hearts maybe safe from the hurt that come with falling in love
image by karinkazune2 via photobucket
Beautiful :)
Whoa..this made me think..
Interesting angle ... Grow in love. I like that. I think 'falling in love' kinda indicates that 'letting go' feeling of love, the no-holds barred kinda thing. You 'fall' in love means you let go, nothing holds you back, its leap of faith. So you fall then you grow perhaps? You definitely cant remain on the ground!
Well said missmaxy! Growing in love is more appropraiate than falling in love. How come we seem to embrace certain phrases without really thinking it through what it really implies?
I like your point of you. I guess the reson for the 'falling' phrase is the somewhat helplessness of the situation! Albeit, I hope I 'grow' in love from now onwards!
@ NYA- Deepness is a lifestyle!...lol
@MFF- Thanks
@ Andrea- Glad I gave your brain some exercise! :)
@B-Some people fall so hard they are completely broken and can not even rise up to grow... hehe
@Abena- Thanks
@ Adwoa- Very true. Sometimes we need to take a step back and rethink our ideas
@K.A-O- Should love really make you helpless? I think love empowers you!:)
Someone once said.. "Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience. Falling in love is not."
@Roc-Right on!
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