Feels like I've been in a whirlwind
Slowly but steadily getting out of control
Can't feel the ground beneath me
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Calm the wind and the turmoil within
Chase away the dust and the debris
With You I find a place of rest
Solace for my tired mind and feet
Comfort for my weary mind
I'm grounded wherever you are
Nice Nice Nice, I like this.
I actually love this....Hope new job is going well.
@ Myne- Thanks :)
@ Sptember- I start soon!
Ah Maxine, you have put my exact feeling in words. Nice.
@ Iris- Glad I could read your feelings from afar!...hehe
Oh thats so nice...i love it... the remedy especially.
Lock onto that groundation. Some spend their lifetime without that.
@Shels- Thanks
@Mike- I sure will...no letting go :)
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